Tereza Krejčová

contemporary dancer & creator

Bio CV


Tereza is a contemporary dancer based in Salzburg, Austria, who received her education in Duncan Centre - Prague, Fontys - Tilburg and SEAD.

She is a dedicated performer who understands her role on stage as a transmitter through which the energy is channeled. Therefore, she wills to serve for she believes in an importance and positive influence of performing arts to the world.

During her studies in Prague she danced professionally in Michal Zahora's Pulsar and A Body by Japanese post-butoh dancer Min Tanaka. At SEAD she performed in pieces by various choreographers including Manuel Ronda, Nicolas Vladyslav or Hillel Koganas well as in internationally awarded theatre piece What Now? by Anna Balslev and Luigi Nono's opera Intolleranza 1960 directed by Jan Lauwers as a part of Salzburger Festspiele 2021.

Besides performing, she is highly interested in bringing her own visions alive. She has created two solo performances in cooperation with musician Vaclav Chalupsky Uncovered and Naturamela and Brothers Grimm inspired quartet The Gingerbread House. Essential pillar of her work is to investigate the relation of the individual hero versus herd, the tendencies and patterns of one self within an existential crisis and a presence and intensity of animal traces we carry.

Crutial part of her lifestyle, life philosophy and interest in movement principles and qualities is a strong relation and admiration of nature – of the circular, organic, transcendent entity which overpowers us and yet is part of us. She wills to spend as much time in nature as her work allows for she believes it balances her life and fills her with energy, inspiration and peace.


Intolleranza 1960

Luigi Nono‘s opera in production of Salzburger Festspiele directed by Jan Lauwers (Needcompany)


What Now?

Theatre piece by Anna Balslev created as a part of MITOS21 collaboration organized by Universitat Mozarteum Salzburg


A Body

Butoh inspired performance for ten female performers

photo: Jakub Hrab



Performance about human being as the most complicated and complex creation in the universe

photo: Vojtěch Brtnický


The Gingerbread House

A quartet based on the libretto of the Grimm brothers Hansel and Gretel exploring the journey of siblings, who got lost in the forest and over time realize that they are dying



Twenty five minutes solo accompanied by live original music of Vaclav Chalupsky

Performance following confused individual searching to reconnect with themselves

photo: Vojtěch Brtnický



Twelve minutes dance poem exploring the injured inner self accompanied by live original music of Vaclav Chalupsky

Photo: Dragan Dragin


+420 728 410 363